Carpenters Workshop Gallery presents My Niemeyer Years: Brazilian Modernity, illustrating the richness of modern Brazilian design in conversation with the works of celebrated French photographer Matthieu Salvaing, in Paris.
Exhibited on the top floor of the gallery, a collection of photographs by Salvaing retrace the years (1998 – 2006) he spent building a strong friendship and beautiful creative collaboration with the world-renowned architect, Oscar Niemeyer. The curation of the exhibition by Salvaing documents the undeniable influence that modern Brazilian design commands globally, by orchestrating a skilful dialogue between art, design, photography and architecture, in a thoughtful arrangement of pieces by the Campana Brothers, Hauner & Eisler, and Jorge Zalszupin.
Through this collaborative exhibition, Carpenters Workshop Gallery continue their pursuit to perpetuate the rediscovery of Brazilian functional art through a contemporary lens by presenting the works of artists who demonstrate Brazil’s design aesthetic at the highest possible standard.
“He had a sense of transmission, and education was one of his favourite subjects. This is how a friendship began, and gradually a creative process around photography was established.” – Salvaing on Niemeyer
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